






数字健康IT主管 & PMB R&D IT,澳门在线赌城娱乐

想想你上次去看医生的时候. 你必须请假吗? 长途驾车? 重新安排照顾孩子?

This might be an inconvenient experience you deal with a couple of times a year, 但对于参与临床研究的病人来说, 这是一个常规的考虑. 最重要的是管理他们的日常生活和潜在的不适, patients who participate in trials have the added burden of frequent travel to trial sites to receive treatment and tests. We wanted to better understand how we could transform the clinical trial experience for patients and reimagine the approach with the patient at the centre.


临床试验是推动创新的必要条件, 然而,只有3-5%的符合条件的患者选择参加临床试验. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐采访了数百名患者, caregivers and medical professionals to understand their barriers so we could work to overcome them. A clear theme emerged that patients prefer to receive non-urgent care at home. 类似的, busy healthcare professionals prefer to spend their time in clinic focusing their care on the patients who need it most.

“The explosion of digital technologies has created new avenues to meet patients where they are and transform how we develop our medicines,克里斯蒂娜·杜兰说, 首席数字健康官R&D、澳门在线赌城娱乐. “在澳门在线赌城娱乐, we reviewed closed to 100 protocols and the data that we collected across all of our Therapy Areas and found 70% of that data could be collected in patients’ homes with clinically validated devices, illuminating a huge area of opportunity to be more patient-centred in the way we run our research programmes.”


Following a review of thousands of patients' comments and hundreds of digital solutions and their applicability to clinical trials, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐开发了统一, a patient app and clinical trial support tool that is designed to deliver an optimal experience. Unify是澳门第一赌城在线娱乐首个用于临床试验的革命性数字解决方案, 几乎连接了所有的研究参与者. Unify was co-developed with patients and HCPs to create an optimal participant experience before, 审判期间和之后:

  • 吸引参与者和照顾者, acknowledging how they are personally valued in helping to move medicine forward and enabling them to participate remotely  学习周期
  • Delivering a new paradigm for collecting patient data remotely and incorporating other digital methods which help improve patient care and decrease participant burden
  • Improving scientific value from data and enabling novel endpoints, reducing

顾名思义, Unify汇集了一系列应用程序, websites and devices into an easy-to-use single tool to enable data collection, streamline the experience for trial sites and support patients during the trial and beyond,马格努斯说Jörnten-Karlsson, 执行产品总监, 数字健康R&D、澳门在线赌城娱乐. “Unify is designed to enhance the effectiveness of the patient/physician relationship to achieve the best clinical trial experience possible.”

To truly meet the needs of patients and physicians, Unify generates quality real-time data. Such data can provide optimal healthcare and improve patient outcomes by enabling physicians to tailor treatment when necessary and maintain care in both the real world and clinical trial setting.


Unify officially launched in December 2020 and is already operating at scale across AstraZeneca, 在超过28个国家发行,有42种语言版本. 在临床试验中使用Unify, we are seeing encouraging early trends that indicate app usage may be associated with lower drop-out rate and higher patient compliance on questionnaires. We will monitor and validate these trends as we continue to collect more data. Unify为患者和现场团队提供相关信息, 有助于减少与学习相关的问题,提高学习体验. 病人应用程序已经包含了一系列功能, 比如远程医疗, 直接给病人供应, 药物的提醒, 远程数据采集和连接设备, 根据患者和临床医生的反馈,增加了更多的内容.

“Our hybrid technology platform approach at AstraZeneca has resulted in the ability to scale once we find a solution that meets the needs of patients and providers, 实现最好的技术.  We built Unify on a platform called BOOST that allows us to create reusable assets, meaning we can continue to deliver new digital experiences at speed and support Unify’s expanded service offerings and growth within our company,莉兹·内文说, IT主管-数字健康R&D、精准医学 & BioSamples、澳门在线赌城娱乐


The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the willingness of patients to use technology as part of their care. 虽然这些变化是在大流行期间因需要而促成的, 许多这些行为改变和偏好将继续存在. 为了满足病人的需要,澳门第一赌城在线娱乐必须继续提供服务 无摩擦试验体验 这与他们的生活完美契合.

“Unify is a gold-standard example of the impact that digital health can have on patients, 医生和整个医疗系统. We believe that tools like Unify will not only improve patient experience and outcomes, 还能加速研究, 提高可持续性并覆盖更多样化的患者群体,杜兰说。. “It is our goal that at least 90% of our new trials are reviewed for digital strategy to continue bringing this healthcare revolution to patients at scale.”

Discover how Unify supports patients and healthcare providers across all our disease areas in the below video 


Veeva ID: Z4-49501
